
Showing posts from January, 2021


The Vedas,the oldest text of mankind, also called saṃhitās, contain liturgical verses with which the ancient Riṣis used to address Vedic gods,such as Indra,Varuna,Vayu,Surya,Agni..etc; called as Mantras. Mantra along with ritual offerings as well as Spritual and medicative formulation is called as Yajña in general. The Brāhmaṇas serve as ritual manual. Yajñas are important part of Vedic dharma and it's deep philoshphical connotation is described in some of pre-buddhist Upnishads. This practice of Yajña is continued from Vedic age to mordern times,Buddhism also accept Yagña & Vedic homa in a different philoshphical model& Reformed some practices.Today we will discuss how different different sects of Buddhism incorporates Vedic Yajña. In Pali Canon According to pali canon ,buddha supported Non-violent way of Sacrifices. He opposed Animal killing in the names of Yajña.  1.Anguttara Nikaya [Cattukanipata/book of four,39]  This is very evident from incident discussed in whe...


Buddhism consists of various Hindu deities, most of the Vedic deities have been accepted in Buddhism from a different philosophical point of view.Many people do not know how Lord Vishnu has been included in Buddhism, what is his place in Buddhist texts, today we will throw light on these points. Vishnu as a  Kshetra-Pala In Srilankan Theravada Buddhism,Vishnu is known as Uplavan ,derived from 'Utpala-Varn/Uppalavanna" [blue-coloured] .The  Dīpavaṃsa and the Mahāvaṃsa, described early appearance  of Upulvan as gaurdian deity. The Buddha, about the time of his passing away [parinibbāna] declared that a Kṣatriya prince named Vijaya , leaving his homeland of Jambudīipa, and arriving in Sri Lanka, was going to be its king of Srilanka. Buddha further ordered Sakka(Indra) to protect Dhamma land and Indra said to Vishnu for protection (this shows that Vishnu is subordinate to Indra)thus,Vishnu is become protector of buddha-Land and worshipped as a Kshetra-Pala of Dham...