The Buddhist Tantric Goddess Vajrayogni and his cult lowered in India between the tenth and twelfth centuries C.E .The Buddhist text talks about various sadhana of this goddess .Sadhana is a meditation and ritual text—literally, a "means of attainment" (sddhanam)—that centers upon a chosen deity, in this case, upon Vajrayogini or one of her various manifestations.Goddess Vajravarahi is one of the form/emanation/manifestation of Vajrayogni.The Guhyasamayasddhanam (GSS) is primary text which talk about her particularly in her form as Vajravarahi. Who is Vajrayogini? The texts refer to her reverentially as a "blessed one" (bhagavati), as a "deity" (devata) or "goddess" (devi). She is divine in the sense that she embodies enlightenment; and as she is worshiped at the center of a mandala of other enlightened beings, the supreme focus of devotion, she has the status of a buddha. In the opening verse to the Vajravarahi Sadhana, the author salutes...