
Showing posts from February, 2021


Kanhapa (or Krsnacarya ), the 'Dark-Skinned One' (or the ' Dark Siddha ') is one of 84 Mahasiddhas of Tibbeten Buddhism . He is also known as  Kṛṣnapada, Kanhupada, Kanha-pa, Kanha, Acharya Charyapa, Kaniphanath, Kanari-nath, Kanupa,kanipa ...&more. Along with that  Kanhupada is considered as influential Yogi in the Hindu tradition of Nath Yogis ( Sàiva ) also. Both  Hindu &Buddhist tradition have their own 84 list of siddhas out of which many siddhas are common.Sahajanyana tradition of Bengal also includes him as masters. Today we will Closely examine mystery surrounding kanhupada & 'kapalik' angle in it. According to Buddhist tantric Lore,kanhpa    was initiated into the mandala of the deity Hevajra by his guru Jalandhara. Guru Jalandhar was also listed in Nathyoga tradition as a guru of kanhupada . Jalandhar was also known as hallikapada & hadipa .  According to CharyaacharyaNishchaya or    Charypada (Collection of poetry co...


 We all know that the medicinal use of Gomutra is described in the oldest Ayurvedic Texts. Acharyas such as Sushruta, Charaka etc.  have duly described its virtue religion and medicinal importance.  For Hindus, cow is the same as mother & they also use Gomutra Ark , though proven scientifically, Hindus are teased and tortured in the name of cow urine.  Fake neo- Buddhist organizations in India are also scorning Hindus and cows day by day over cow urine and cow. Such pseudo  Buddhist wolves do not even have the knowledge of Lord Buddha's views of cow and cow urine by Buddhist monks and nuns.  Cow urine has always been in use even by Buddhist monks. Today we will throw light on the thoughts of Lord Buddha on cow and cow urine.  The oldest Buddhist Scripture Tripitak  give earliest Buddhist documentation of Cow urine medicine,to be in general about urine medicative Medicinal attributes of Cow urine is described in Scriptures such as Vinaya ...


Vedic deities are commonly seen in Buddhism (Mainly Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition) where deities like Ganesha, Shakti , Yama, Indra, Brahma..etc are accepted as sub-deities.  In the early Buddhist scriptures [Theravada] only Indra and Brahma appear mostly ;rest are less frequent. As a result of the rise of Vaishnavism and Shaivism, Vishnu and Shiva's Inclusion in Buddhism is an attempt to assimilate Vaishnavism and Shaivism. We already seen how  Vishnu  is placed in Buddhism , Today we look assimilation of Shiva in Buddhism Shiva:Emanation of Avlokiteshwara In  Avalokitesvara-guna-karanda-vyuha Sutra (Karanda-vyuha Sutra ),it is stated that shiva originated from forehead of Avlokiteshwara The bhagwan Buddha said- "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva gave birth to the sun and the moon from his eyes, gave birth to the Great unrestricted God Mahesvara from his forehead, gave birth to the Brahma heaven God from his shoulder, gave birth to Narayana from his heart,gave bi...

Has the Bhagavad Gita stolen the doctrine of nirvana from Buddhism?

Dr.Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar,regarded as father of the Indian Constitution,made many accusations on Hinduism while creating his new religion (which according to him was based on the teachings of Buddha), one of them being that the Bhagavad Gita had stolen the Nirvana doctrine from Buddhism.  Today we will look into the depth of his claims and check if there is any truth in his allegations or the claims are hollow. Before proceeding with Arguments ,l will assume following things[as given by biased Britishers,though they are disputed] as TRUE just for the sake of Argument ,then also l will prove that Ambedker's claim lacks substance. These below assumptions are acceptable to Ambedker & Ambedkaraites. Assumptions :   •  Gita is composed after Buddha • Aryan Invasion theory is true  • Ramayana, Mahabharata &Smriti texts are composed after to buddha  CLAIM :  "The Bhagvat Gita discusses Bramha-Nirvana.The steps by which one reaches BramhaNirvana are st...