We all know that the medicinal use of Gomutra is described in the oldest Ayurvedic Texts. Acharyas such as Sushruta, Charaka etc.  have duly described its virtue religion and medicinal importance.  For Hindus, cow is the same as mother & they also use Gomutra Ark, though proven scientifically, Hindus are teased and tortured in the name of cow urine.  Fake neo- Buddhist organizations in India are also scorning Hindus and cows day by day over cow urine and cow. Such pseudo  Buddhist wolves do not even have the knowledge of Lord Buddha's views of cow and cow urine by Buddhist monks and nuns.  Cow urine has always been in use even by Buddhist monks. Today we will throw light on the thoughts of Lord Buddha on cow and cow urine.

 The oldest Buddhist Scripture Tripitak give earliest Buddhist documentation of Cow urine medicine,to be in general about urine medicative Medicinal attributes of Cow urine is described in Scriptures such as Vinaya Pitak which is collection of monastic disciplines & in Sutta Pitak which is collection of Buddha's discourses & by in various commentries by Buddhist monk.

  There are four necessities/resources required for any monks to live in sangha Under buddha teaching ,these are rag made ropes ,morsels of food given in alms, dwelling beneath tree& Medicinal fermented Urine. In Theragatha of KhuddhakNikaya(Suttapitak) buddha describethese requirements as follows:

Uttiṭṭhapiṇḍo āhāro pūtimuttaɱ ca osadhaɱ।।

 Senāsanaɱrukkhamūlaɱpaɱsukūlaɱ ca


"For only he who taks as they come
The scraps of food, medicine from excrement,The couch beneath the tree, the patchwork robe,Stands as a man in north, south, east, or west"

Commentary gives us that "Putimutta" as osadham is used for Cow urine +medicative formulation. In Srilankan Buddhist traditional commentry it's referred as  “Gomuttaparibhāvitaharitakādi”  which is Haritaki(terminalia chebula) +Cow-Urine 

In Vinaya Pitak(Mahavagga,भैषज्य स्कंधक) Buddha recommended use of Cow urine for Pandu-roga( jaundice) .which is described as follows :

At that time a monk had Jaundice( Pandu-roga) buddha says-

"O Monks! I allow you to drink cow urine.(गोमूत्र की हर्र)."

That's why cow urine was always been part various local Buddhist traditional medicine across southeast Asia. For example In Myanmar cow urine's medicine is widely famous & locally known as " Pheya-se" which means " buddha Medicine" . So Any type of Mockery/abuse/slur related to cow urine by so called "Neo-Buddhist" only show lack of understanding of his own Scriptures & Ignorance.


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