त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्

।। अथ गोरक्षरक्षास्तोत्रम् ।।

कर्मण्य करुणाकार, कर्णकुण्डलशोभित।

कैलाशशिखरावास, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।१।।

खेचर खेचरीनाथ, खेचरीज्ञानपारग।

खगासन खमाधार, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२।।

गोपते हे गुणातीत, गोतीत गुरो गुणिन्।

गुणगण्य गुणाधीश, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।३।।

घोररूप घूर्णात्मन्, घटितपापमोचन।

घोराघोरघनाघघ्न, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।४।।

चारुचन्द्रकलायुक्त, चन्द्रार्धभालमण्डित।

चैतन्य चिन्मयानन्द, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।५।।

छायामायामलोच्छेदिन्, छद्मविचारछेदक।

छेदितकर्णिकाकर्ण, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।६।।

जितजन्मजराजाल, जालन्धरसुपूजित।

जितेन्द्रिय जटाधारिन्, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।७।।

झल्लरीमेखलाधर्तः, झङ्कारनादकारक ।

झञ्झानिलहिमासीन, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।८।।

टङ्गभङ्गितटङ्कार, टीकिताम्नायनायक।

टङ्किताहन्तनूकर्तः, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम् ।।९।।

ठवर्णरूप ठन्नाथ, ठकारशून्यरूपक।

ठन्नादविलसत्मूर्धन्, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।१०।।

ढाकाढक्केश्वरीनाथ, ढक्काढोलादिवादक।

ढक्काकाशशब्दातीत, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम् ।।११।।

त्यागमूर्ते तपोनिष्ठ, तत्वज्ञ तमतारक ।

तन्त्रमन्त्रविद्यादातः, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम् ।।१२।।

थं थकारावदानस्थ, थुडितविकारनाशक।

हे थूर्वितासुराज्ञान, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।१३।।

दानप्रिय दयासिन्धो, दर्पदारिद्रदाहक ।

द्वैताद्वैतविनिर्मुक्त, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।१४।।

ध्यानावस्थित धर्मज्ञ, धर्मपाखण्डखण्डक।

धीरधृते धराधीश, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।१५।।

निरञ्जन निरङ्कार, नाथयोगप्रवर्तक।

निरहङ्कार निर्वाणिन्, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।१६।।

परिपूर्णप्रेमानन्द, पञ्चमकारमाथक।

परापराकलाज्ञानिन्, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।१७।।

फणिमण्याभिसंवृत, फेनसलिलमण्डल।

फणीश्वर फलाहारिन्, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।१८।।

बालयोगिन् बलिन् बुद्ध, बलिविधानशोधक।

ब्रह्मरन्ध्रपदारूढ़, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।१९।।

भवबन्धकपाटघ्न, भस्मविभूतिधारक।

भुजङ्गेन्द्रलसत्कण्ठ, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२०।।

महामुने महासिद्ध, मत्स्येंद्रनाथसेवक ।

महातप‌ महत्तेज, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२१।।

योगिनाथ यतिर्धन्य, योगमार्गप्रयोजक ।

योगवित्तम योगीन्द्र, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२२।।

रसरत्नसमायुक्त, रसशास्त्रविशारद।

रतिकामदशादाहिन्, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२३।।

लोहिताक्ष ललाटाक्ष, लसलोचनगोचर।

ललितलोललोलार्क, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२४।।

वराभयलसत्हस्त, विवृद्धकमलोत्पल।

वैराग्याभ्याससंपन्न, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम् ।।२५।।

शिवस्वरूप शान्तात्मन्, शाबरमन्त्रभावन।

शुद्धसन्मार्गप्राख्यातः, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२६।।

षड्विकारमलोच्छेत्तः, षट्कर्मप्रतिपादक।

षोडशसुविद्याधारिन्, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२७।।

स्वात्मस्वरूपसिद्धात्मन् सिद्धसिद्धान्तसाधक।

सर्वज्ञ  सर्वदृग्द्रष्टः, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२८।।

हंसयोगिन् हिमासीन, हिरण्यरेतः हे हर।

हठयोगविधावक्तः, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।२९।।


क्षेत्रनाथ क्षमाशील, क्षिप्तभूमिभक्षक।

क्षेत्रपालक क्षेत्रज्ञ, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।३१।।

त्रिलोकप त्रयीरूप, त्रितापत्राणकारक।

त्रिगुणाध्यक्ष, त्र्यक्ष गोरक्ष रक्ष माम्।।३२।।

गोरक्षो जगतो गुरुर्विजयते गोरक्षमीशं भजे।

गोरक्षेण कृतं हि शास्त्रमखिलं नाथाय तस्मै नमः ।।

गोरक्षात्परं कोऽस्ति वन्दितपदं नाथस्य दासोऽस्म्यहम्।

गोरक्षे परिनिष्ठितोऽपि मनसा गोरक्ष रक्षां कुरु।।

इति प्रतिज्ञविरचितं श्रीगोरक्षरक्षास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम्।।


  1. Jay Jagannath,
    Please accept my sincere respect and Gratitude,
    I am Sagar Pattanaik from Odisha. I have come across a lot of texts and have some issues in my ideology and belief which I want to clear. I belief you have strong and unbiased answers to my questions. Hope you will help me.

    Different prominent Historians and famous authors of India like E.V. Ramaswami, Ambedkar, K. Jamanadas, Rajendra Prasad Singh, Leftist Historians like Romila Thapar, D.N. Jha etc. mentioned a lot of times in their books and speeches that there were no religion called Hinduism before or at the time of Maurya Dynasty, there was only one religion called Buddhism for all time. But Brahmins invaded their temples, destroyed them and restructured the idols of Buddha to Hindu Bhagwan Idols. Historian, Indology scholar Romila Thapar once told - "Dig underneath every Hindu temple, there will be a Buddhist temple". According to these Historians, there are a few examples of temples which were destroyed by Brahmins and modified them.
    1- Bhagwan Jagannatha of Puri is Buddhist
    2- Bhagwan Vitthala of Pandharpur is Buddha
    3- Bhagwan Lord Ayyappa is Buddhist
    4- Bhagwan Draksharama is Buddhist
    5- Bhagwan Srisailam is Buddhist
    6- These are some few examples. There are a lot other temples which according to the Buddhists and Jains are their temples. But brahmins occupied and destroyed their temples and made their own .
    7- “To any man who knows anything about Indian history…
    the templeof Jaganath [sic] is an old Buddhistic temple. We took this and othersover and re-Hinduised them. We shall have to do many things likethat yet. "
    [Swami Vivekananda, „The Sages of India‟ in The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol. 3, Advaita Ashram, Calcutta, p. 264.]
    8- Bankim Chndra Chatterjee WROTE:"I am aware that another, and a very reasonable, account of the originof the festival of Rath [at Jagganath Temple] has been given byGeneral Cunningham in his work on the Bhilsa Topes. He there tracesit to a similar festival of the Buddhists, in which the three symbols ofthe Buddhist faith, Buddha, Dharmma, and Sangha, were drawn in acar in the same fashion, and I believe about the same season as theRath. It is a fact greatly in support of the theory, that the images of Jagannath, Balaram, and Subhadra, which now figure in the Rath, arenear copies of the representations of Buddha, Dharmma, and Sangha,and appear to have been modelled upon them."
    [Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra, 'On the origin of Hindu festivals' in Essays & Letters, Rupa, Delhi, 2010, pp. 8-9.]

    And there are a lot of videos available in the YouTube justifying all important Hindu Temples were once Buddhist and Jain temples. For example, books of D. N. Jha and Ambedkar mentioned all these claims. They every time accuse/claim Bhagwan Adi Shankaracharya for all these so-called conversion of Murtis and Temples.

    I have a simple request to you. Can you please do a proper and unbiased research about all these claims, their reality and tell students and truth-seekers like us the real truth in a video or article so that it will lead us to the closer of the eternal and absolute truth?
    I attached a link of the book written by K. Jamanadas. Hope it will help you in some cases.
    I hope you will help us and will clear all the obstacles in the path of truth and Enlightenment .
    Yours Sincerely,
    Jay Jagannath
    Jay Sri Ram

    Link= https://drambedkarbooks.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/tirupati-balaji-was-a-buddhist-shrine.pdf


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